Cowboys victory over Eagles ends with a final score that had never been seen in NFL history

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The defeated the in blowout fashion Julian Stanford Jersey Saturday night, a game that clearly meant more to one team than the other. Dallas played most of its starters to gain some momentum for the playoffs while Philadelphia rested all but three of its starters with the Eagles having their playoff spot secure.As the NFC East clash was in its final minutes, the Eagles made the final score a bit more interesting by scoring a touchdown with 1:50 left to cut Dallas' lead to Taylor Moton Jersey 51-26. Philadelphia could have kicked the extra point to make it 51-27, but instead went for two.Why was the conversion so significant? If the Eagles failed to convert the conversion attempt, the score stays 51-26 Chuba Hubbard Jersey which led to a Scorigami -- the 1072nd unique final score in NFL history. Minshew was sacked on the conversion attempt and the final score ended up 51-26 after and the Cowboys offense took three kneeldowns Zane Gonzalez Jersey to close the game. The other Scorigamis in the league this year happened when the beat the , 38-11, in Week 6, followed by another one in Week 7 when the beat the , 31-5. The were involved in two: beating the 45-30 in Week 9 and the 41-15 in Week 12. The and had the latest Scorigami -- a 48-9 final in Christian McCaffrey Jersey Week 14.The six total Scorigamis are impre sive, but far from the 12 achieved last season. Having more different final score combinations does make it harder to accomplish new ones. The idea of tracking every Scorigami was created C.J. Henderson Jersey by SB Nation writer Jon Bois and there's now a Twitter account with more than 285,000 followers that tracks each and every Scorigami. If the Eagles would have kicked the extra point or converted the two-point attempt, there wouldn't have been a Scorigami. A 51-26 final is hard to pull off, but the Eagles and Cowboys accomplished the feat. The score was aided by one team playing backups throughout the game, Aaron Parker Jersey but at least Scorigami fans got a treat for the end of a contest that was determined early in the second half.
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